Have you ever owned 10,000 acres of land and tried to take care of your cows, crops, and hay-fields? Then add in all the wild animals on your ground tearing apart your corn fields and killing your baby calves? Well, maybe you should look at why hunting is a good thing.
People Hunt
There is nothing better to me then getting up at
five-thirty in the morning to go drive to my family’s hills, park by a
windmill, and walk for fifteen minutes to get to one of our hay stacks before the
sun rises, just so I can be as successful at deer hunting as possible. The frost on the grass, everything is still
and I am just waiting for that big buck to walk out in front of me. There are many reasons why someone would like
to hunt but I think there are a few special ones. For one, hunting helps control animal
population. Also hunting helps with
human health.
Hunting is a controversial topic in the World today but
people don’t truly understand how hunting can help the
environment. Hunting isn't just about
the killing and the trophies. Yes, that
is part of the sport of hunting, but there are more reasons to kill animals then
for food and for the trophy of the animal.
Yes I hunt, and yes I hunt for the trophy bucks, so I can mount them on
my wall. That is just a small portion of
hunting though. I hunt for all animals
that can cause a problem to our land.
My family owns a little more than five thousand acres. We have over five hundred head of cattle and
we have to hay and plant corn and soybeans.
My family has to control animal population in more ways then one. In the last five years we have had three cattle
die from mountain lions and each cow approximately makes about seven thousand
dollars profit in one life time. Average
one thousand five hundred dollars per-calf, and a cow lives about 10 years
average on our farm. Then we send it to slaughter, but when we have mountain
lions eating our cows that are loss out of our pockets. There are a lot of years we barely can make
ends meet so it is very cheap for us to shoot a mountain lion. A bullet is much cheaper than having cows
die. We have to hunt to control mountain
lion, bear, coyote, and wolf populations all throughout the United States because
without farmers and ranchers, we cannot feed our country. Hunting keeps the animal populations under control by keeping the population at a healthy number.
Along with controlling animals that endanger our
livestock and our income my family also needs hunting to prevent disease so the
animals don’t die and lose population in our livestock. Animals get diseases just like humans but the
difference is we know how to cure a lot of our diseases, while animals just
die. I use deer as my example a lot
because we have a lot of deer in my area and they get hit hard by disease every
so many years. I myself as a rancher and a farmer want deer, turkeys, bobcats,
squirrels, rabbits, and all sorts of animals on our land. I am a firm believer in animal’s cycles and
it is important to keep it in mind. When
one animal eats another animal and on down the line we need to make sure there
are animals to keep the chain alive. Too
many animals in one category can cause other animals to starve and this can
mess up the whole food chain. Society
sometimes thinks that we kill animals just to kill or harm them, when in
fact we actually help raise them. We
love animals but we shoot deer, turkeys, and many others just so their numbers
don’t get out of control.
It may sound weird, but every year my family
leaves about one acre of corn up in our dry land corn and one acre in our corn
by the river so the deer, raccoons, pheasants, and turkeys all have corn to eat
so they can be healthy and make it through the winter. We are donating part of our profit of our
crops just to help animals survive. My
family loves to look out across the meadow and seeing deer running around, and
hearing turkeys gobbling in the canyons. We also do this because we respect the animals and want them to get through the winter and we have a little extra money to do it with. Yet, not all farmers can afford to leave an extra acre of corn or beans behind. According to Made Man, hunting can cause terrible crop destruction to farmer's fields in highly populated areas because deer have lack of habit to eat so they just eat on farmers fields and take about big yield numbers from farms.
we don’t like to see is going out and seeing no deer and no animals on our land
because that’s the best part about fixing fence, or cutting hay, or driving a
tractor to me is experiencing the nature of all the animals and wildlife. We shoot the deer because when we see 80 deer
in one little area they run out of food.
One deer gets sick and they all drink water out of the same water
hole. The deer drink it and they get
disease like Blue Tongue, or Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease or otherwise known
as EHD. According to the “EpizooticHemorrhagic Disease” EHD is an infectious but very fatal viral disease of some
wild ruminants. It is very similar to
blue tongue but yet it only occurs in white tail deer. This disease of blue tongue or EHD can happen
anytime. Yet according to “Epizootic
Hemorrhagic” this disease happens on years of drought and years of over
population of deer. When the population
is so big and there is little water to drink from they all come to the same
water source (Mighigan.gov). According to Scott Koperski, this area get
polluted and a bug or a type of gnat which carries the disease EHD bites the
deer and gets into the system of the deer and kills it by making it so weak
that it slowly stops moving eating and walking and it suffers to death. They get so sick that they get hot and so
they keep drinking water to cool them off.
This ultimately makes the deer drink themselves to death. There is no cure for this disease yet but
research is being done. Koperski also
states that this disease can get into cattle but it just doesn’t happen like it
does to deer. This hurts our cattle
population and our deer population and both are harm to our land and our
This is why hunting deer is so important to
us ranchers; those cattle are our income to feed our families and put a roof
over our heads (Disease). We love the
heck out of deer but we also need to have deer season and take out part of the
population so we can help prevent such diseases from happening frequently to
help save our cattle, and help save our income.
That’s why the states sets out a certain number of permits based on the
animal’s population to help prevent disease but yet keep the deer numbers at a
healthy number. If we keep the deer at a
healthy number it helps keep the food chain in order. Keeping the food chain in order means we must
not let any numbers get too high or too low in order to keep our animals
numbers at a healthy population.
In addition to keeping the population down on animals,
people also hunt because it can be great for humans and their health. Depending on the animals people are hunting
and how people like to hunt they can get some serious exercise done by
hunting. I am going to use elk hunting
as my example with this because my uncle owns a ranch in Montana and they have
elk up there. I went on an elk hunting
trip and my hunting guide said that on average he walks about 14-18 miles a day
tracking elk with hunters. To get the
trophy elk you usually have to go deep into the hills and mountains to find
them. In high school we learned in heath
class that we are suppose to get 30 minutes of exercise a day. Now if we walk 14-18 miles hunters are
expanding their lungs, burning calories, and using muscles to walk and carry
all their items through the hills and mountains. You are hunting outside of the city and
populated areas so you don’t have as much pollution so you are breathing air
that is likely to be cleaner. You also
have to train to even be an elk hunter.
If your body is not used to walking this much or carrying items you have
to build up your cardio before you even go elk hunting. According to “Hoyt Archery”, one of the big
name brands in archery, states that one of their elk hunter’s does cardio 4-5
times a week for 45-60 minutes sessions.
Then on the weekend he does a 14-16 mile run to equal the length he
usually walks in day elk hunting. Then
he lifts two days a week just to get used to carrying all the equipment
(Hanes). Elk hunting is one of the more difficult
skills to master in hunting but it can keep you fit and your keep your health
in good condition. Walking every day to
stay healthy is what I hear all the time on the news but to hunt and be more
successful you have to walk and walking is healthy. Heath is important to me because I want to be
able to do the things I enjoy and if I want to keep enjoying hunting I need to
stay fit.
There are laws that require permits and only so many permits can be handed out a year for any given weapon. Depending on the population census of the animals is how many animals will be allowed to be shot. You also have to pass hunter safety to be allowed to buy a permit. There are regulations and harsh fines for breaking the laws. I don't think the hunting laws need to change other than the fact that I think you should have your hunting licences taking away or suspended for breaking on of the laws. It can happen but you have to do a federal offense with a gun first.
I think hunting is a pretty special sport that honestly
helps me respect nature even more. I
feel society thinks hunters hunt to just kill and harm animals. When in reality the hunters I know of only want
to help the animals and try and provide a nice place to live for them. We sacrifice things so we can have animals
but sometimes we have to sacrifice them to keep them to keep our livestock
alive. I will hunt until I cannot
physically go outside. You could
consider hunting my passion. I make food
plots for deer and pheasants every year so they can stay healthy. I put out mineral blocks out for deer so they
can get vitamins to help them live longer and help prevent diseases. I feel hunters get a bad rap because of what
a few bad eggs do to some animals. In
reality my family and the people I talk to about hunting with in my area care
for the land because that is family pride and the animals are a big part of our
pride so this is the reason I hunt.
Work Cited Page
Gibbons, W. (2014, November 17). Why is hunting good for the environment. In Savannah Laboratory . Retrieved February 27, 2015, from http://srel.uga.edu/outreach/ecoviews/ecoview031117.htm
Why Hunting is good for the Environment (2014, April 21). In Made
Man. Retrieved February 27, 2015, from http://www.mademan.com/mm/why-hunting-good-environment.html
Work Cited Page
Disease Issues.” Epizootic Hemorrhagic
Disease (EHD) in White-Tailed Deer. Michigan.gov. Web. 20 February 2013. https://michigan.gov/emergingdiseases/0,4579,7-186--26647--,00.html
article comes from the Michigan department of natural resources. It talks about how this terrible disease
called Epizootic Hemorrhagic disease is killing the white-tailed deer population
and it could have been stopped if we were better at controlling the
population. It explained statistics that
the animals are going through and their chances of surviving. There is no author of this because it is
written by the Michigan department of natural resources who should be trusted
because they are a government agencies paid to find out statistics like
these. This is a neutral article and it does
not talk about hunting being good or bad.
It just talks about the disease and explains it.
Archery.” The Hanes Exercise Regimen for
Elk Hunting. Web. 20 February 2013.
was an article I found in one of my Hoyt Archery magazines and it talks about
how much exercise elk hunting is. People
don’t realize how hard hunting elk in the high elevations really is. This article talks about how much the people
train just to go elk hunting and how many calories a day you have to put in
your body just to be able to keep the energy needed to be a successful hunter. There is no official author in this article
but I know Hoyt can be trusted because they are arguably the number one brand
name for archery hunting. I would say
this is a slightly conservative article because it is explaining how hunting is
exercise and it helps you and is trying to get you to go out and hunt.
Koperski, Scott. “Disease threatens deer population.” Beatrice Daily News. 21 Sep 2012. Web 20
February 2013.
article I found in a newspaper talks about how the Disease of EHD is threatening
the deer population and in some areas, you can’t even find a deer because of
disease. It talks about the number deer
that are normally hit by vehicles in regular years and then the number killed
during 2013. Now that isn’t necessarily
a bad thing that cars are not hitting deer the article says but in a way it is
showing us that deer population go down that much more because of this
disease. This is a article written by
Scott Koperski and he is just an newsreporter for Beatrice but I think he can
be trusted because he is just reporting statistics sent to him in his
area. I would say this article is
neutral as well because it is just reporting statics about deer getting hit
rather than trying to make an argument.
B. (2014, November 10). Does Hunting Help or Hurt the enviornment. Retrieved
February 27, 2015, from http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/earth-talks-hunting/
This article
talks about serial killers and how people that harm animals are more likely to
become them as well as how hunters can hurt the environment. This article talks about poaching and all the
reasons why people do it. It also talks
about hunters breaking the rules to help bring down big game. However, it also talks about how most hunters
do not break the rules and it is a part of the rule American society. This article is written by Ben Davis and he
works for the New York times which is a trusted newspaper. I would say that this article is very liberal
because he is from the city and he talks about negative things that people from
the city just don’t understand
Gibbons, W. (2014, November 17). Why is hunting good for the environment. In Savannah Laboratory . Retrieved February 27, 2015, from http://srel.uga.edu/outreach/ecoviews/ecoview031117.htm
article talks about the Savannah Laboratory that explains how farmers and
ranchers do not like to kill a lot of the animals on their land. Yet they do so because they need to save
their cattle. It talks about how hunters
are entering partnerships with research ecologist, wildlife recreation, and
organizations to protect habitat because they want the animal populations to be
healthy so they can hunt them. Hunters
say if the population is not healthy, it just isn’t right to hunt them. This article is written by the Savannah
Laboratory and is a good source because a bunch of ecologist who study this
topic every day are the ones who wrote it.
I think it is slightly conservative because it talks about farming and
hunter more as a good thing than a bad thing.
Defense of Animals (n.d.). In Anti-Hunting. Retrieved February 27,
2015, from http://www.idausa.org/campaigns/wild-free2/habitats-campaign/anti-hunting/
article is about anti-hunting. It talks
about how animals don’t have a fair fight against hunters. How hunting hurts animal populations. How hunters can cause pain and suffering to
the animals. How hunting is not a
sport. How hunting is a poor excuse for
conservation. This is written by the in
defense for animals and is a good source because it helps me see what a lot of
other people’s views on this topic are.
This is a very liberal article because it talks about how hunting and
guns are terrible and that every animal should be free.

This is an
article I found that goes over animal destruction to cropland and fields. It explains how many yields deer can go
through and how it can hurt the farmer’s income. It also goes over disease prevention of
animals by controlling populations, as well as helping stimulate the economy by
all the hunting sales that go on in America.
It talks about how we can trade all our furs to countries like Russia
and make a bunch of money. I think the
author which is the website is a great resources because I have been reading
the same exact points that these guys have been making for years. I would say this is a very conservative
article because it talks about hunting and why people should do it.
Overall, I have to agree with your blog. I am also a hunter and think those opposed to it often don’t see the whole picture. Like you stated, hunting isn’t just to kill and get trophies. There are many reasons why hunting is important, and I think you did a good job of explaining them. I think one of the most important reasons you gave is that we hunt for population control. It is important to not kill all the animals, and that is why we have a Game and Parks Commission. You gave a good explanation of possible penalties to hunters who break the laws. This shows that hunting is not a free for all and animals truly are respected.
ReplyDeleteI would first like to say that what you and your family do for animals is one of the coolest things I’ve ever heard. It’s incredible that you lose profit from an acre of crop so that the wildlife can be successful and healthy. It’s important for people to be respectful when they hunt. People have to realize that there is more to hunting than just going out and shooting an animal. I often think that individuals don’t grasp the whole concept of hunting unless they were raised in a situation like yours. Hunting is something that has been around since the beginning of human life and is something that should not go away any time soon. It’s important to keep limits and make sure the wildlife populations are healthy.
ReplyDeleteI know my dad was an avid hunter and that was a favorite pastime of his. I totally understand where you are coming from in the fact that hunting is beneficial in helping protect your animals for several reasons. However, what are some reasons that people hunt besides to protect their livestock? For example, is there a risk of over hunting? Contrary to what my father believes, I do believe that hunting just for the fun of hunting is not necessary unless for a specific reason. I understand where you are coming from with your love for hunting; however I feel like your argument would have been stronger if you would have included opposing viewpoints or risks of hunting.
ReplyDeleteGood article to inform people who are not from here or aware of rural culture. I like how you mention the donation of land to wild life because, I've seen and witnessed what animals can do to crops and this truly helps those who can't afford to lose crops. Then how you mention the reasons in how to control population and disease are needed, but I feel a counter arguement could easily be made that if you don't feed wildlife then they will naturally keep their numbers down. My counter arguement on health and hunting is those who hunt geese or duck and sit in a blind cooking food all day. I agree with a lot of this and you make good points, just wish people who were against hunting would see it like this.
ReplyDeleteLoved reading your blog! It was a topic that I am interested in. Which made it easy for me to read and a lot more enjoyable. Great topic! I also would have to agree with you on this debate. I'm not a big hunter, I don't get up in the morning and go deer hunting or go for any big trophies or game but I am all about hunting the stray and annoying animals that make their home on personal farm land or personal property. These pests can be harmful to crops and could even harm farm animals. Why go through the struggle of fighting them off and paying for the many damages when there is an easy solution. What many people don't realize is the diseases that actually do hurt the deer and the crops. It's a big issue that most don't realize. Wildlife and the outdoors is one of Nebraska's specialties and we need to protect that.
ReplyDeleteI found your blog very interesting to read. Prior to coming to UNK, I was surrounded by a much more urban area with very few people who participated in hunting as a regular hobby. Your post made it much more clear to me and helped me to understand why people choose to hunt and the reasoning behind it. However, I do have to disagree with your argument with how hunting is beneficial to people’s physical health. In some situations, it may be very applicable; this seems to be uniquely isolated to elk hunting. On the other hand, many other types of hunting are extremely sedentary and involve rather long periods of waiting. Overall, I found your post to be very informative and it was nice to increase my understanding of the logic behind hunting.
ReplyDeleteYou give many good points about why hunting isn’t harmful. I'm still questionable about why exactly hunting is good for human health, because any nutrients humans can get from hunted animals they can also get from farmed animals. I myself am a hunter and I completely agree that it is a good thing and a god given right. Hunting is what our bodies are made for, we sure as hell aren't herbivores. I found your writing very insightful and carefully thought out, there isn't much to argue about when it comes to negatives in terms of hunting.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed reading your post of why people hunt. I can say I am slightly biased to be in favor with your post as I am a hunter as well. I agree with you that it is tough to lose a profit from the loss of cattle, and that is a good reason to use hunting as population control. I do agree that the majority of hunters do want the best for the environment and the animals they hunt. It wouldn't be much fun to hunt a species that barely existed because of a sustainability issue. I think the issue that most people that are against hunting is the few bad apples that leave a lasting impression on them. Usually these people aren't following the guidelines and regulations that most hunters do.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed reading your post of why people hunt. I can say I am slightly biased to be in favor with your post as I am a hunter as well. I agree with you that it is tough to lose a profit from the loss of cattle, and that is a good reason to use hunting as population control. I do agree that the majority of hunters do want the best for the environment and the animals they hunt. It wouldn't be much fun to hunt a species that barely existed because of a sustainability issue. I think the issue that most people that are against hunting is the few bad apples that leave a lasting impression on them. Usually these people aren't following the guidelines and regulations that most hunters do.
ReplyDeleteI am not a big fan of hunting. Actually, I am not a fan of hunting. I grew up in a very, very rural place, so I understand why hunting can be beneficial. Although many species of animals have gone extinct because of overhunting, it can be beneficial when it is regulated. I agree that hunting licenses should be taken from a person if that person breaks the law, but I know this does not stop some from hunting.
ReplyDeleteAs long as hunting is doing something good or beneficial for the planet, I think it is alright.
I'm not surprise you chose this topic to write about Brett. I've never hunted before myself. However, I did shoot a gun for the first time this fall at a 2nd Amendment campaign event. I very much support the 2nd Amendment. Your article was written very persuasively, and if I was ever discussing hunting and the 2nd Amendment with someone who opposed it, I would refer them to your article because of how eloquently you made your argument. I know that Dr. Maloyed suggested that you post your article in single space. It would have made it easier to read on the internet. Also, I don't believe you needed to include your annotated bibliography at the end.