Gay Marriage Should Be Legal Everywhere!
traditional conservatives, the Christians will tell you that a relationship between a man and a
woman is how god meant it to be and for homosexuals to get married is absolutely
unacceptable. They will tell you that the reason for a heterosexual couple is
to procreate. That may be true, but why can’t they be useful for adoption. It
shouldn’t be against the law to be with or even married someone that you love. What’s so bad about reaping the benefits from the person you want to
spend the rest of your life with, you should be able to claim whatever your spouse has left
on the earth if you are contributing to them in some type of way.
there are three remaining states that have a ban on gay marriage, there are 37
states that recognize same sex marriage and 70 percent of the population that
engage in homosexual activity live in states that are recognized according to
Evan Wolfson, founder of “Freedom to Marry”freedom to marry. Bloggers such as Peter
Sprigg and Blogger Brian Brown agree that marriage should be legal for everyone not just a specific group.
Sprigg argues that same sex marriage would lead to the push for polygamy. He
says “Marriage is a public institution and not merely a private relationship
because it serves two purposes to bring together a man and a woman and the
reproduction of human race.” push-for-polygamy
A man and a woman are suppose to procreate but the push for gay marriage is to give the same rights to the homosexual couples as the heterosexual couples. You should be able to marry whoever you want not have multiple relations with individuals there is a difference. Not to say that more people should become gay just because; politicians, political thinkers, even everyday people believe its wrong. They aren’t thinking of the upside of homosexual couples being together such as giving kids who are in foster care a family, a chance of having two parents who love them and getting them.
That's what's important!
Blogger Brian Brown is "President of the National Organization for Marriage" he argues that, nationally, gay marriage puts churches at risk. In the bible there is only one definition of marriage in which god intended it to be between a man and a woman, if you start to change that then it contradicts the purpose of praising and believing in the bible. He says “Churches and religious organizations can lose their tax exemptions, they can be forced to either abandon their core moral principles or abandon their social ministry.”churches-are-at-risk People believe what they want to believe and they choose to sin and continue to disobey god in other ways to fit their purpose, so they shouldn’t be able to run to god and argue that gay marriage is wrong, why does this topic unlike others trigger an outbreak of hate?
A man and a woman are suppose to procreate but the push for gay marriage is to give the same rights to the homosexual couples as the heterosexual couples. You should be able to marry whoever you want not have multiple relations with individuals there is a difference. Not to say that more people should become gay just because; politicians, political thinkers, even everyday people believe its wrong. They aren’t thinking of the upside of homosexual couples being together such as giving kids who are in foster care a family, a chance of having two parents who love them and getting them.
That's what's important!
Blogger Brian Brown is "President of the National Organization for Marriage" he argues that, nationally, gay marriage puts churches at risk. In the bible there is only one definition of marriage in which god intended it to be between a man and a woman, if you start to change that then it contradicts the purpose of praising and believing in the bible. He says “Churches and religious organizations can lose their tax exemptions, they can be forced to either abandon their core moral principles or abandon their social ministry.”churches-are-at-risk People believe what they want to believe and they choose to sin and continue to disobey god in other ways to fit their purpose, so they shouldn’t be able to run to god and argue that gay marriage is wrong, why does this topic unlike others trigger an outbreak of hate?
Evan Wolfson, "Founder of Freedom to
Marry” says the Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional. New York became
the latest state to legalize same sex marriage, gay marriage critics rally
behind the Defense of Marriage Act singed into office by Bill Clinton. It defines
that marriage shall be between a man and a women. Attorney General Eric Holder
said that is unconstitutional and gay activists fight for gay marriage nationwide
and not state by state. Wolfson says in his blog government-discriminates gay marriage should be legal. He says
without gay marriage being recognized nationwide the U.S government is discriminating against them. The
government has no business blocking people seeking to care for their loved ones.
Nagel Robert a professor at Colorado Law School advocates for gay marriage. His article-for-gay-marriage "The constitutional Argument for Gay Marriage" says if
congress is going to regulate same sex marriage it should be centralized. Same
sex interaction should be regulated in the work place and in public. Robert
says the government should not have the power to regulate same sex marriage. A
benefit to same sex marriage could to be regulate commerce. There are shows that
advocate towards gay marriage and even the ability to raise kids such as Modern
Family, The Wendy William show, Empire and even Nick Cannon’s new movie
Drumline Two. These shows are
essentially saying that being homosexual isn’t a choice and they cannot change
who they are. It’s wrong to limit gay couples to just being intimate and not
married. Modern family is a TV show that shows a gay couple is able to
take care of a family so they can be beneficial. It is very popular and since aired has a steady 4.5 million viewers. Another popular show Scandal is all about politics, a cast member close to the president is a conservative republican and he is also gay. That speaks to the American people that if a
political official can be gay and married then people should have the right to
openly marry who they want.
According to Writer
James Keller “Gay marriage should be Legal” most of the anti-gay catholic conservatives
should not be permitted to impose their religious ideas on others who do not
share them or to deny civil marriage to homosexuals. As much as
people may want to deny it or come up with an excuse as to why homosexual
couples can’t get married is discriminating against them. Singling out a couple
or individual because of their sexual orientation is wrong. Isn’t it true that
America isn’t specified to one known religion? If this is true according to
legislation then why are officials implementing religious beliefs into our
laws? Wouldn’t that be unconstitutional?
I agree with your blog for the most part here is a little of what I believe. I think that gay marriage should be legal everywhere what i think upsets the opposition is rooted in hate. They claim its because they are these moral christians who believe marriage is only for a man and a woman, but like you said I am sure of lot of them commit other sins. They are discriminating a group just because they are different and there main argument is religious reasons, which is supposed to be separate from government. The argument that makes the most sense for the opposition is they can't have it at a church and the word marriage is connected with religion. I get that marriage can be a religious word, so gays may have to settle for a civil union with the same rights and benefits as marriage, but has separate ever been equal?
ReplyDeleteYou did a good job addressing religious rhetoric in this post. Often times debate around same-sex marriage ends in fiery debates and hateful bible-quoting. But I think this issue hold plenty of secular ground against religious hate groups as well. i would have liked to see more legal citations in addition to your personal moral standings. I like most of the language, but it was occasionally hard to read. The content in here is fantastic though, just could use polishing of the rough edges. Many arguments that are made against same-sex marriage are based in following others with louder voices; this is not how people should make decisions.
ReplyDeleteAs a dedicated Christian, I have to respectfully disagree with your position, and point out that it’s respectful to capitalize God no matter what you believe. I want to first point out that I’m not trying to pick a fight with you or put you down, I just want to address some of my beliefs. I agree that the bible classifies being gay as a sin. However, we are not picking and choosing which laws in the Bible we want to pay attention to. We are supposed to follow every rule in the Bible, but nobody is perfect, and sometimes we mess up. As far as being able to get married in order to inherit your partner’s belongings, all you have to do is make a will. A will is a legally binding contract where you can leave your stuff to whomever you want, regardless of if you’re married or not. You can also live together and be as intimate as you want without being married. The only advantage being married will give you is checking the married box on your tax returns. Even then, if you adopt foster kids like you suggested, that counts as a family and then you can still claim that on your taxes. Honestly, if somebody told me that I couldn’t marry the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, I would be very upset. Which is why I don’t think this is that big of a deal. Even if we don’t allow gay people to get married, that’s not going to stop them from being gay, so I don’t have a huge problem with it. I think you make some great points in your blog, it just needs a few adjustments as far as grammar and such to make it better!
ReplyDeleteI agree with your position on gay marriage and feel devout Christians will pick and chose which parts of the Bible should be fallowed. For example, Leviticus 15:19-33, which starts by saying, “If a woman has a discharge, and the discharge from her body is blood, she shall be set apart seven days; and whoever touches her shall be unclean until evening.” I’m pretty sure most women ignore this verse and so not separate themselves for seven days when menstruating. This verse is located just a few chapters before the anti-gay verse, Leviticus 18:22. How many devout Christians do you know that love bacon? (Because, really who doesn’t?) But, Deuteronomy 14:8, clearly states, “Also the swine is unclean for you, because it has cloven hooves, yet does not chew the cud; you shall not eat their flesh or touch their dead carcasses.” The Old Testament is FULL of specific guideline on how God wants his children to live and just like you, I have never been able to understand why some verses are easily pushed aside and others are clutched to so tightly.
ReplyDeleteDon’t forget that the Bible is a book and in this context God is a proper noun so both should be capitalized. I’m also excited to see how the Supreme Court will rule on Gay Marriage this June!
I'm afraid I am going to have to be completely honest and say that I had a lot of trouble getting through this. There were quite a few grammatical errors and the change of font half way through didn't help either. However, with that said, I think it was a rather good article and, with a good amount of polishing, could be a very good read! I consider myself to be Christian and, even though it has been stated twice now, half to ask that you remember to capitalize Bible and God in this context. I don't really know where I stand on this issue as there is such hate being thrown from both sides, I typically just try and avoid it. However you bring up some good points. One thing that I have to ask is that you address some better more developed arguments from the other side.
ReplyDeleteYou present a great argument that vouches to the legalization of gay marriage which I believe something that should be legal across U.S. because I feel its not fair to distant franchise a group of citizen within our country regardless of hetero/homosexual. I also find that states which use the argument of preventing same sex marriage by using points of the Bible are deeply wrong in doing so especially when we live a country which choose to have state and church separate.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to have to agree with Jon. This was a little tough to get through. There were many places where I had to go back and read the passage a couple of times because of the grammatical errors. However, I can definitely tell that you are passionate about this issue, which is a very good thing to have in an opinion post. Some of the arguments that you made, however, didn't really seem to pan out. The one that definitely worked in your favor is that Constitutionally, it is discrimination to not allow them the same rights as others. But a couple other arguments didn't work. Allowing homosexual couples to adopt does not increase the "adoption pool" at all. In fact, there is really no affect on how many children can be adopted if we allow homosexual couples to marry, because a single person can adopt a child. Also, towards the beginning of your paper, you said that we should be allowed to marry whoever we want, but then said that polygamy doesn't count. What if I am deeply in love with three different women? Are you going to discriminate against me simply because you don't think it's right to marry more than one person? What if I fall in love with a teddy bear? (I'm being slightly facetious on this one, pointing to Ted 2). Should I be denied the right to marry this bear just because it's not human? But I love it!
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