Thursday, April 9, 2015

The Right To Keep And Bear Arms

One of the greatest debates people have in the World is about our Second Amendment, the right to keep and bear arms. People need to look at it through many different aspects. Many could argue that laws should be passed to limit gun ownership. They think it would reduce crime and the accidents that could happen, but others use guns as self-defense. There are many opinions out there, what do you think?

There are many arguments about gun control. One major issue in gun control is whether people should be allowed to carry around a concealed weapon in public. Many think this would only cause more trouble in our World. Others think it's a good idea because it will bring more peace. Many people don't want to have a ban on weapons because it is a way of life. Is it the guns fault or the people using them? Should there be new gun laws or should the gun laws we have no be more stressed?

A Way Of Life
An article in USA Today by Chuck Raasch says in some parts of the country, shooting and hunting are a way of life. There are many people around the country that gather around with friends or with family and shoot for fun. People shoot blue rock or shoot random things for fun. So for many rural Americans it has become a way of life. Roughly one-sixth of the rural population are more than twice as likely to have a gun in their home than those in large cities. Also are six times more likely to hunt. Most of these rural Americans all say that the best way to reduce gun violence is not to pass new ones, but better enforce current gun laws. Hunters and sport shooters say hunting and shooting is a fun outdoor family activity. Even a way to get kids who don't compete in other sports outside of sedentary lifestyles, and at the same time teaching responsibility, safety and respect for guns. The complete opposite of what most kids learn playing video games. A board member of the National Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation, Louise Terry says, "I don't think that people like us are the problem, people that have social maladjustment are the problem." Jim Bowers, who teaches gun safety classes to kids as a way to pass tradition and teach respect and responsibility, says "guns are safe, it's people that make them unsafe." Families that are involved in shooting activities and live in the rural area claim they aren't the ones to be blamed. Steve Sanetti, president and CEO of the National Shooting Sports Foundation says that rural and urban Americans have different experience around guns. If you are in a city environment, where all you see are the anti-personal uses of firearms, you think guns are anti-personal. If you grow up in rural areas, where guns are accepted, a part of life, used for recreation, sports, family gatherings; you see there is nothing wrong with owning one."

An Answer
In the article from USA Today, it talks about possible ways to help out with the problems there are today. Banning weapons would not stop violent criminals because there are over 300 million guns in the country. It would only resolve to more stealing and robberies. If they are a criminal they aren't going to obey any laws anyway. What we need to do to lower crime rates and other problems we have with weapons, is to better enforce the laws we already have. If there as better enforcement of background checks, more comprehensive, coordinated mental health screening and a national database of people being treated with violence-prone mental health issues; and longer sentences for gun criminals. It seems to be that after a mass shooting, people automatically think we need more gun control. In an article from The Atlantic, people argue that the U.S. should tighten regulations to ensure that everyone who buys a gun should have a background check ran on them; ban high-capacity weapons that have "no civilian purpose;" and encourage lots more trained, vetted, law-abiding civilians to carry guns in public so that would-be mass murderers face resistance. So people think we should be controlling the people more than controlling the guns. If we are going to make a policy regarding gun control, it has to be smart and well thought out. The public should have to agree with it as well. It's hard today to make a law that a majority of people are happy about.

Guns on College Campuses
Since there have some recent school shootings, some states are looking for more guns to be allowed than lowering the amount of guns. According to USA Today, the state of Florida reintroduced a bill that would allow concealed firearms on college campuses. A ban on guns at schools and universities has increased the number of problems with gun use. We are trying to decrease that number. Having guns allowed on college campuses seems dangerous, but some may select to allow concealed weapons around college campuses, but not in the buildings. In a short article in USA Today, a federal judge from the District of Columbia claimed that a ban on carrying weapons in public is unconstitutional.

People Who Are For Gun Control
In an article in Time magazine written by David Stout, the big argument over gun control took place in a heated discussion after a violent shooting rampage left seven lives, including the shooter. After this took place, many California relatives and normal citizens took a painful look at the United States gun control laws. Citizens lash out on National gun organizations and legislation because they refuse to tougher our gun control in the US. Many talk about gun rights, but what about one of these victims in the shooting's right to live? Some say it is getting insane and want to stop the madness. Too many have died. Our legislation should aim keep guns out of these crazy individuals.

                        Why Now?
The topic on gun control has been one of the most popular debates for the last few years. In an article from The Atlantic, Conor Friedersdorf explains that there is no escape from tragedy. This gun control debate has been a huge hit recently, and yes, it needs to come to a close soon, but it still hasn't. If Congress hasn't passed a bill this amount of time, will they ever? They are just going to keep debating and listen to what the public is going to say. No matter what the result is, there's going to be people that aren't happy with it. Instead of talking and thinking of a plan, there needs to be one, soon. We have talked about a plan for too long. It is time to come up with one that will work in the best way to stop the shootings. There are some plans out there already like, the US should tighten regulations to ensure that everyone who buys a gun is subject to a background check; ban high-capacity weapons that have "no reasonable civilian purpose;" and encourage lots more trained, vetted, law-abiding citizens to carry guns in public so they could protect and face any mass-murders or shooters. This option would not only help stop shootings but would protect the shootings from happening in the first place.

Gun Control
Our Second Amendment in the US Constitution states, "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. That statement is in our US Constitution. That needs to be mentioned when gun control law ideas are being tossed around. Banning guns will only cause more problems. Criminals and bad people will find ways to get a weapon. That's why they are criminals. Since when did criminals start following the law? Allowing gun sales and having background checks on each person who looks and buys a gun should be necessary. If there are people with a concealed gun permit, let them carry a gun and help keep everyone safer. It'd be better if a shooting happened and someone had a weapon to stop the shooter than to let the shooter do more damage. Our World needs more, better protection rather than take away guns and feel less protected.


  1. Jared, I don't' believe every individual should have a firearm. One thing i do believe however is that every individual should have that right to own and possess a firearm. Growing up in a small town gave me plenty of freedom to go do as i please.With this freedom came responsibility. Responsible of my actions with a rifle in my hand, i was enrolled in hunters safety class at the age of 8 and was out hunting deer and pheasants at 9. I saw it as a bonding moment with my father and just away of life. Now i do believe there is a time and place to possess a firearm and i am strictly against firearms on campus for the sole reason is that it will not always be in your possession and others may get their hands on it potentially leaving you responsible. However, if there was a certain way to mandate it say gun cabins or lockers held by the university then i don't see why you couldn't figure out an alternative for this to work.

  2. Owning a firearm is a right in America whether we like it or not. I like it, I believe the second amendment plays a fundamental part in keeping the crime rate low in America. That statement is actually supported by facts. Concealed carry permits would lower the crime rate everywhere not only on college campus's. The thing people don't realize is you don't need a firearm to kill someone and evil people will do evil things regardless of whether or not there is a "no guns allowed" sign on a door. Its common sense that a firearm in the hands of a good willed person would be a smart way to encourage criminals and killers to stay away. A no guns allowed sign is like broadcasting what areas are completely defenseless in the event of an attack or a shooting. Common sense is something people lack in this country. Our founding fathers got it right.

  3. I really enjoyed reading your post. I grew up in a family that has always gone hunting so I find it completely normal to have several guns in the house. I really like all the topics you talked about and you gave some good examples. I liked your point about when there is a shooting somewhere, everyone gets all freaked out and they begin to argue that guns need to be banned. Liberals think guns kill people, but if guns kill people then spoons must make people fat. Overall, I agree with what you had to say and I thought your post was very informational.
