Friday, April 10, 2015

Would Legalizing Marijuana Have an Impact in the Criminal Organizations Dedicated to This Business?

The government will be receiving the profits made by the marijuana business if the drug is legalized. What is this going to do to the criminal organizations that have been doing this business illegally for decades? The marijuana is a big business for the organizations that are dedicated to this.

Legalization of marihuana is a very controversial situation. The issues about this topic have been popular for years. It is an interesting topic since it debates the use of marijuana for medical and/or recreational purposes. Marijuana is a mixture of dried leaves and flowers of the Cannabis sativa plant and makes part of the list of illegal drugs that is most consumed.

Since marijuana is on the list of illegal drugs, many people have seek to make its consumption legal. Those who are in favor in the legalization of this drug argue that it can be beneficial in the medical field. That is their excuse for the situation. They also argue that it will help with some neurological and physical problems a person has simply because it is a natural product. 

Those who are against it say that, whatever the reason they have to legalize marijuana, it still does not take away the fact that it is a drug. And it is true. All medicines are drugs, and the more you take them, the more your body feels the necessity and will want to take more drugs. Just because marijuana is a natural product does not mean that it will not leave any trails in the body. Everything that passes through the body leaves a mark in it, and some take longer than others to appear. In addition, some also say that this is just another way for the government to make profits. Since there are many consumers of marijuana in the country, if legalized, the government will be receiving the profits made by the marijuana business. It takes the green in money for those in power, or desire to have the power, to get what they want.

While people think of the pros and cons that legalizing marijuana would provide, some have thought what would happen to the criminal organizations that specializes in this? If the government takes the earnings of the marijuana business, what is this going to do to the criminal organizations that have been doing this business illegally for decades? Some of the people that are in favor of the legalization of marijuana say that if the government allows its legalization, some of the drug-related crimes will stop. Criminal organizations have been doing illegal businesses for a really long time, decades of this kind of work that has even gone down for generations. As many people know, some of the occupations of these organizations include extortion, kidnapping, assassinations, the traffic of organs, traffic of people, and of course traffic of illegal substances and products, drugs. The traffic of drugs is one of the most important for them since it is from where they get most of their profit. If the government legalizes the use of marijuana, whether for medical or recreational uses, it will have an impact on these organizations’ financial profits.
Toys can be used to hide drugs

Personally, I don’t believe that by legalizing marijuana the crime will be shortened. To the contrary, I believe that instead of this happening, it will go the other direction. The marijuana is a big business for the organizations that are dedicated to this. By legalizing the marijuana, their ability to commerce with it will be reduced in the beginning, but it will not solve the problem because they will look for more ways to keep their business going, and in the end it will only make it worse. They will strengthen and expand their own businesses, and despite that marijuana would be legal to buy, it would be either for medical or recreational purposes, or both. So if it is this way, people that are addicted to this drug will want to get more and more of it, but they will not be able to buy or get more legally because they will have certain restrictions for its consumption. So what are they going to do if they cannot get more? Where or to whom are they going to turn to get more to satisfy their addiction? Illegal businesses of course.

The Fast & the Furious 6
Even though that the use and consume of marijuana now is still illegal, criminal organizations are having their situations of desperation. An example happened last year, when authorities in the border found a SUV stuck on the border between Mexico and the United States. They went as far as to try and make an SUV vehicle jump over the border between the countries to get across. Apparently, Hollywood is a great source for ideas when it comes to do one’s business without getting caught. Criminals get information from different sources and they prepare themselves. They need to think of strategies to keep their business running, so it is not strange that they can come up with ideas that could have their origins in the entertainment world. Criminal organizations will do anything to keep their business going, and including stealing, killing, kidnapping, smuggling drugs, among other things. They search for creative ways to make sure their merchandise reaches its destiny. If the smuggling operations fail, there is a big chance the people that were put in charge of it would get punished pretty bad. When an operation does not go as planned, there are awful consequences for the people that are involved in this commerce.

Children are very vulnerable. They can fall into the abyss of the organized crime easy.
Criminal organizations do the actions mentioned for business purposes, but in addition to these and other actions they get, they also target children. Yes, they target children. They have done this before, but now they are using children to transport and deliver their merchandise. Furthermore, they are using them to sell it. It is becoming harder and harder to do their business with the authorities on their backs, so now they are using children and young people to fulfill their purposes. Who is going to doubt of an innocent looking child? Many times, the children used for these things have been children whose families have little or nothing to survive. Those children that are trying to help their families get tempted by the easy way to make money and end up in illegal businesses. Although some others just decide to join because they want to do so, they do not care if it is right or wrong as long as they get earn something, and they just want to live the easy life. Some others though, do not have a choice and are dragged into the illegal businesses because they are tricked and threatened by the criminals.

I do not support and am against the legalization of marijuana. Using it for medical and/or recreational purposes is just an excuse to have it available. Just because it would be legal, it does not make disappear the fact that it is a drug and that people will not abuse it. If people abuse their counter medicament already, why would they not do the same with one that was already classified as a drug and was illegal before? Legalizing marijuana will not solve or reduce crime. I believe that in order to do this is necessary to think like a criminal would. Legalizing marijuana would only make it worse because the criminals will look for ways to keep their business going, and that is something that will take time and the support of all people to finish it. Whether for recreational or medical purposes, no matter which of these, one thing leads to the other and it is a never-ending story.


  1. I took the opposing position with my blog so this was a very interesting perspective on the issue. I do think you provided several good arguments to support your position. You point out at the beginning of your blog that "if legalized, the government will be receiving the profits made by the marijuana business." Why is that a bad thing? Why not profit off of a crop that is used for many good things and is fairly harmless in order to boost the economy, help build schools, and improve education similar to what states like Colorado has done after legalizing? I do agree that the drug cartels are incredibly powerful and huge and would be difficult to shut down. However, I feel that this is big step we could take to shut the black market down. Think about the prohibition of alcohol in the 1920's. These gangsters and organized crime came to a stop once the law was ratified. I think legalizing marijuana would have a similar result. If marijuana users can get their product from a dispensary where they know it is quality and safe weed and is legal, what need do they have for sketchy drug dealers? They wouldn't be able to compete with the convenience and therefore would become a dying business. You also mention that medical marijuana is an excuse. I disagree with this for there are many reports of people who suffer from cancer treatments, anxiety, seizures, and other ailments that have seen huge improvements in their lives because of medical marijuana. I do agree that some people use it as an excuse and may fabricate an "illness" in order to get marijuana card. The system is getting abused. I think a good solution to this would be legalize it for recreational use so that people don't have to make "excuses" anymore. Overall, I think your blog had some really great arguments and I appreciate the perspective.

  2. I agree that the strategies cartels use are appalling. With the poor economic state of Mexico and other South American countries, it leaves their citizens desperate and vulnerable, making any job, even one with a cartel appealing. Until their economies improve, their citizens will continue to do what it takes to survive. Sadly, I feel this issue is up to their governments to resolve.
    In my opinion, not much has changed since the “War on Drugs” began in the 1970’s, almost forty-five years ago. Continuing to use the same strategies in place today would suggest that in another forty-five years we would still be faced with the same issues we are today. In light of the fact that 23 states and the District of Colombia have legalized marijuana to some extent and the fact that our state of Nebraska along with Oklahoma recently filed a federal law suit against Colorado challenging the constitutionality of their legalization of marijuana, I feel within the next few years, this issue will come before the Supreme Court.
    I enjoyed your perspective on this issue. It’s not one you hear much about, so thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  3. In my blog i too discussed the potential impact criminal organization may develop with the legalization of marijuana. However, i see a lot more benefits from the legalization of marijuana than i do harm. Eliminating a middle man and going direct with the product (i.E. Dispensaries) disposes of some very serious threats. First off there is an age restriction so you now have more control over the substance rather than your street dealers. Secondly, you know the substance you are receiving where as if you are on a street that may not be the case. Third, the obvious one you can tax it and profit off of it as mentioned above. Also, there is documented facts that the medical industry is very helpful; beginning with treatment of Crohns Disease, the treatment of epilepsy with CBD oil, among others.
