Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Roe's End Of The Road

Roe was argued by the defense with little preparation and poor medical technology to use as evidence. Since 1973, the medical field has made strides in research with the ultrasound and just recently the 4D ultrasound.  The Court is overdue to rehear arguments on the abortion issue.  If the Court chose to hear arguments on another abortion lawsuit, we could very well see the overturn of Roe v. Wade in the near future, and the lives of unborn children could once again be legally protect in America. 

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Asia's Air Pollution: Economy over Health

This blog focuses on the ever increasing importance of protecting the environment and public health by shedding some light on just how bad pollution is in currently developing countries India and China. Outlined is what is determined as "dangerous pollution", the estimated death toll from current day pollution, and the general idea that the current day situation was caused primarily by rapid economic development  at the expense of the environment. A stance of "green tech is just around the corner" is held as a counter argument.

Friday, April 17, 2015

To Infinity and Beyond

I will be taking a look at space space expeditions. Due to some recent budget cuts by congress to NASA ( National Aeronautical and Space Agency), I will be taking a look to see if it would be more beneficial for mankind to have any future space expeditions be funded by private funds or public funds (funds to come from the government).

Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Importance of Physical Education in America

As schools everywhere across America strive to improve the academic performance of their students, several of them have either reduced or completely cut physical education to leave more time for sedentary classroom lessons. On the contrary, the longer students are forced to sit for countless hours in their chairs, the harder it will be for them to blossom in class. According to several studies, children who are physically active and fit will begin to develop a better academic attitude and performance towards school.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Vaccinations: Personal Exemption vs. Public Health?

The recent outbreak of measles in California has ignited a national debate between the safety of public health and those exercising their personal and religious choices, so-called "anti-vaxxers", who opt out through state offered exemptions. Can there be middle ground in this debate without restricting religious and personal ideologies?

Would Legalizing Marijuana Have an Impact in the Criminal Organizations Dedicated to This Business?

The government will be receiving the profits made by the marijuana business if the drug is legalized. What is this going to do to the criminal organizations that have been doing this business illegally for decades? The marijuana is a big business for the organizations that are dedicated to this.

Whats All The Fuss About Gay Marriage?

Gay Marriage Should Be Legal Everywhere!

UN Peacekeeping in Darfur

What if I told you thousands of people were being killed and hundreds of thousands more were being terrorized and forced from their homes. Would you believe that this could be happening in this day and age? It is and in Sudan millions of people are being affected.

Steroids - Should they be legalized?

Everyone looks at steroids as a harmful substance due to what the media puts out there.  Anabolic steroids do not have to be harmful; if you have done your research and know how to use them correctly, they can be used safely. 

There's a lot of Green in Green: Regulate, Educate, Medicate

Regulate, Educate, Medicate.

The times are certainly changing. The stereotypical "Cheech and Chong" stoner is slowly being debunked. Many high functioning members of society from the Wall Street broker to the respectable lawyer, people everywhere have made marijuana a part of their daily lives, while still maintaining professional careers, happy relationships, and motivated lifestyles. There has been a misunderstanding about marijuana throughout history. Americans are becoming much more educated about the benefits legalization could serve. Legalization would reduce the amount of unjust arrests, provide economic benefits, and be used more widely for medicinal purposes.

Deflategate Scandal

It seems that every day there is a story or scandal surrounding a person or brand. Recently before the Super Bowl, there were many people pointing fingers at the Patriots, accusing them of deflating the footballs in their game against the Colts. Was this all just a story to obtain views, or did the Patriots cheat their way to the Super Bowl?

Why People Hunt

Have you ever owned 10,000 acres of land and tried to take care of your cows, crops, and hay-fields? Then add in all the wild animals on your ground tearing apart your corn fields and killing your baby calves?  Well, maybe you should look at why hunting is a good thing.

Communism: The best thing that can never work

Communism: the social system that should work perfectly and lead to a perfect Utopian society.  Yet communism has only ever lead to complete failure every time it has been attempted.  Why is this?  Why has this system, which looks so perfect on paper, failed so miserably every time it has been implemented?  

Land of the Free and Home of the Obese

America is the fattest country in the world today, which isn’t surprising in the land of the free, we are free to as much as we want and whatever we would like. The rise in the percent of the public that is overweight and obese is rising at staggering rates that should cause major concerns. 

Solving Income Tax Inequality

For many years the middle class has been hit hard with taxes, while the rich continue to receive tax breaks. The rich slide by financially unscathed, while the middle class suffers the biggest blow. The United States government needs to increase the income tax for the rich.

Bullying and its Effects on the Youth

Bullying and its Effects on the Youth
Technology has improved over the years and with that comes more ways for bullying to occur.  There are many people who say that bullying doesn’t lead to increased suicides or that the bullies don’t have their own insecurities however this is not true.  People who bully tend to have their own insecurities but instead of dealing with them they tease and put down others.  There are many hotlines and people that bullies and bullying victims can talk to, to sort through everything that is happening.  Bullying does not just effect the victims but it effects everyone who is involved whether it be the parents and/or friends of the victim, the bully themselves, and many others.

Video games may not actually cause violence OR stupidity - yeah, I said it.

Video games are the epicenter of almost every individuals childhood, from Final Fantasy to Crash Bandicoot to Spyro, it all started somewhere. As we think back to those times while wiping away a stray tear in remembrance of our childhood, lets look to the now, and how the very foundation of our creativity and imagination is being slammed for causing violence and stupidity. These accusations may not be as true as most parents and other "adults" like to think, according to studies, and I would like to prove this.

Is there is a correct theory?

 The battle between the theory of evolution and creationism has been back and forth within the school system and among scientist. Its been argued that evolutionary theories may be incorrect, and therefore unfit to be taught as a law in a class room in both high school and college.

The Right to Die

Human life is the most valuable thing on earth. You have control of your actions, thoughts, and feelings. Your life will end someday and it's not up to you when your time will come, but what if it was? Individuals with uncontrollable suffering are expressing their right to die.

Immigration Reform: Where were you born?

The topic that I want to research is immigration reform. This is a hot-button issue not only in the United States, but throughout the entire World. I would like to research different country's immigration policies and see how they compare.

Should the Government Impose Stricter Regulations on the “Stand Your Ground Laws”

About three years ago, Trayvon Martin was shot and killed by a local community watch member George Zimmerman.  Zimmerman was not even arrested on the night that he shot and killed a young man because of the Florida law that allows a person to use deadly force if they believe that they are in danger.  These laws are called “Stand Your Ground Laws” and as of 2005, the “duty to retreat,” was removed and basically does allow a person to do what the name implies, stand your ground and defend yourself from an attacker.

Minimum Wage Reality

There is a heated debate going on in America right now over minimum wage. Supporters argue that increasing minimum wage boosts low-income consumer spending thus stimulating the economy. Opponents of minimum wage propose that it ultimately increases unemployment and inevitably hurts those who it intends to help. So which argument is right?

Do we Dare? The impact of the legalization of marijuana

 The legalization of marijuana is and has always has been a very controversial situation. It is important when considering the legalization of marijuana to focus not only on the benefits it can provide, but also the negative impact it could potentially cause to our society.

Cold War Tensions Getting Hot

Ukraine is the battleground for a new Cold War with Russia. Tensions between the Russian Federation and NATO countries are at a level not unlike that fifty year span of time filled with espionage and proxy wars. I believe that we should be more aggressive with aid to the Ukraine. Not just sanctions against a belligerent neighbor, but provide them with arms and training as well. 

Performers Performing at an Enhanced Performance Level

Performance-enhancing drugs are used by athletes in a wide variety of sports and activities, with the purpose being to make them bigger, better, faster, and stronger. Unfortunately, often times the risks of taking steroids outweigh the benefits. The use of performance enhancing drugs is prohibited for athletes, but if the athletes are willing to take the risk, their use of the drugs should be their choice.

Civil Forfeiture

Police power is greatly regulated in the United States, making sure the average citizen has their rights protected, at least most of the time. 

Thursday, April 9, 2015

LB 643 The Cannabis Compassion and Care Act

LB 643 The Cannabis Compassion and Care Act recently proposed and put up for discussion at Nebraska's legislature that aims to legalize Medical Cannabis for the purpose treat ill patients who suffer from deliberating medical conditions who's medical treatment can benefit from ingesting medical cannabis. So the purpose of this post is to look into the medical practicality of cannabis and how other states across America have gone about in dealing with this controversial subject and some of the benefits it had brought with its legalization.

Obesity: A Hefty Increase in a Growing Epidemic

American culture has started a new worldwide phenomena. Although seemingly the most obese nation, the United States’ advantage is drastically shrinking due to the steady increase in worldwide obesity. Since other countries are following in America's footsteps, the trend needs to be reversed, whether on an national level or a state-by-state basis.

Childhood Vaccinations: Definitely Worth a Shot!

            Doctor visits are never fun, and shots can even be scary for young children. However, childhood vaccinations are essential to ensure that children from all over stay safe from infectious diseases. The benefits of vaccinations far outweigh the "consequences" that anti-vaccinators advocate for.

Simon Says: The Supreme Court, Same-Sex Marriage, and the Fourteenth Amendment

The Supreme Court will be hearing oral arguments in April 2015 examining bans on same-sex marriage and states' requirements to recognize out-of-state marriages under the Fourteenth Amendment. The decision reached by the court will have implications for same-sex couples throughout the United States.

The Right To Keep And Bear Arms

One of the greatest debates people have in the World is about our Second Amendment, the right to keep and bear arms. People need to look at it through many different aspects. Many could argue that laws should be passed to limit gun ownership. They think it would reduce crime and the accidents that could happen, but others use guns as self-defense. There are many opinions out there, what do you think?

The USATF's Crimes: The Disfunctionality of the United States' Fastest Governing Body

The USA Track & Field Association has become a problem over the last few years. At the USATF Annual Meeting in Anaheim, California in early December of the same year, the USATF Board of Directors ignored the USATF Membership in an election, and overturned their decision without cause. What has happened to the most important Track and Field organization in the nation, and how can it be fixed?

The Second Amendment-Literally Fighting for Your RIghts

Abstract: Due to several mass shootings in the past decade much debate has been brought up about a citizens right to bear arms. Should there be limits to what a citizen can possess, what types of weapons should be available to the public? The debate has brought out the worst from both sides of the spectrum. Yet despite the harsh rhetoric, there lies a truth, this Amendment helps citizens to protect all the others.

Illegal Immigration: The War Within

History shows that the United States’ fight against illegal immigration has shown little to zero progress and the negative economic affects resulting from this issue are still a problem today. The distaste for illegal aliens often leads to them being treated unfairly within the legal system and could be considered unconstitutional by law.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research: Federal Funding or Not?

The field of medical research is a fast paced discipline.  Researchers are always searching for ways to unlock solutions to incurable diseases. In recent years, they may have found the key: human embryonic stem cells. However, utilizing these "special" cells has raised many ethical questions. Human embryonic stem cell research should be funded by the federal government because of the many benefits that could possibly come from conducting clinical trials.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

School lunch programs and federal government involvment

School lunches are a common thought when thinking about childhood memories. But today, lunch programs aren't like they used to be a decade ago. Today, the federal government has taken too much control of school lunch programs and changed how they work and are funded.

Dress Codes Don't Cover Up Sexism

High school dress codes teach young women that their bodies are distracting and should be hidden. High schools with these kind of dress codes are promoting a society where women are sexualized from a young age and where men are encouraged to look at women and classify them as objects instead of humans. Dress codes should be changed to accommodate modern society.

Monday, April 6, 2015

The Deep Web’s Deep Secret-What it is how it helps

Explanation of how the deep web works and how it is used today.  From drugs to Hit men to communication I’ll show you all the inner workings both good and bad of this secret place.  The Deep web has hidden potential in the war against oppression literally. 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Cheerleaders Should be Soaring to New Heights

If you do not leap you do not know what it feels like to fly. The stunting ban in Nebraska should be repealed. This ban prohibits cheerleaders from being fully able to participate in the activity of cheerleading.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Collegiate Sports Ruining Students One Day At a Time

What takes more time than a part-time job, is found on almost every college campus, and has the potential to steal your healthy body right from under you? …That’s right, it’s college athletics. Student-athletes on the collegiate level are continuously battling to remain eligible, looking for new advancements in treatment to ensure the fastest recovery, and using the money from the university for their sports career rather then education. In the end is it really worth all the risks in order to deliver that National Championship or March Madness to the avid sports fans?

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

ISIS executes Jordanian pilot, the country of Jordan reacts, should U.S. get involved?

Author: Conner R. McHugh, Date Published: 4/10/15
The wars overseas have not been a popular thought in the eyes of civilians in the United States throughout the years. The peak motivation towards war arose with the flames of 9/11. ISIS is an evil organization that wants nothing more than to dominate the world with sharia law and get rid of any opposing religious or moral beliefs in general. Whether we like it or not we have become involved in the fight with these terrorists and we only have two options, exterminate them where they stand, or draw back our forces and await the day they have become strong enough to attack our homeland. 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Politics without Honor

News flash: politicians lie. Republicans do, Democrats do, Libertarians do, the Whigs did, the Bull Moose party did, the Federalist did, and the Anti-Federalist too. And although there isn’t a particular scandal to cite, 74% of Americans believe even George Washington – the man who could not tell a lie, probably lied while in office. But is the fact that the public believes that politicians lie really a problem for democracy?

Sunday, August 12, 2012


This is a blog written by students at UNK on issues of democracy, politics, and society. Please feel free to comment.